Editorial Statement:
WWS/World Wide Shipping is published eight times a year for transportation and logistics professionals with manufacturing, exporting and importing firms; distributors; freight forwarding and customs brokerage companies; NVOCC's; 3PLogistics managers and others purchasing freight transportation services to world markets. Shippers and receivers are kept informed of carrier services, port facilities, government regulations and equipment technologies which affect the expeditious and cost-effective movement of their cargoes.
Subscribe to each issue of WWS/World Wide Shipping and get up-to-the-minute trends and developments affecting your operations. Various readership surveys verify subscribers find WWS/World Wide Shipping "valuable in their daily business decisions".
2010 Editorial Calendar:
February / March
Ports & Services (N.A. West Coast) Carriers & Trade - Asia (India,
China, Japan, Korea, Viet Nam) Cargo (Containerized) Logistics
(Ocean Carriers) Equipment (RTG Cranes) Intermodalism
Washington Report Guest Editorial
NCBFAA Annual Convention (National Customs Brokers & Forwarders
Association of America)
Ro/Ro Carriers Review Ports & Services (Ro/Ro Ports) Carriers & Trade
- Africa (South, East, West, North) Cargo (Ro/Ro) Logistics
(Forwarders, Customs Brokers) Equipment (Tractors), (Chassis) & (Ro/Ro)
Intermodalism Washington Report Guest Editorial
Short Sea Shipping
Ports & Services (Great Lakes) (Inland River & Waterways)
(Canadian) Carriers & Trade - Oceania (Indonesia, Philippines, South
Pacific, Australia, New Zealand) Cargo (Bulk) Logistics (Rail)
Equipment (Bulk Cargo Handling) & (Scales) Intermodalism Washington
Report Guest Editorial
CLIA cruise3sixty Conference
(Cruise Lines International Association)
Ports & Services (N.A.
North Atlantic)
(Cruise Ports) Carriers & Trade - Europe (UK, Continent, Scandinavia,
Baltics) Logistics (Trucking & Warehousing) Equipment (Fork
Lift Trucks) Intermodalism Washington Report Guest Editorial
July / August
2010 World Ports Directory State of Stevedoring & Terminal Operations
Cargo (HazMat) & (Break Bulk) Equipment (Dockside Container Cranes)
& (Spreaders) Intermodalism Washington Report Guest Editorial
AAPA Annual Convention (American Association of Port Authorities)
NAFTZ Annual Conference (National Association of Foreign Trade Zones)
2010 Industry Equipment & Services Directory Technology (Ports &
Terminals) Intermodalism Washington Report Guest Editorial
October / November
Ports & Services (U.S. South Atlantic) Carriers & Trade -
Mediterranean - Middle East (Israel, Iraq, etc.) Cargo (Perishable)
& (Reefer) Logistics (3PLs, 4PLs) Equipment (Straddle
Carriers) & (Specialty Equipment) Intermodalism Washington Report
Guest Editorial
December / January
Ports & Services (U.S. Gulf) Carriers & Trade - Caribbean - Central
America - South America (East, West) Cargo (Steel) & (Project)
Equipment (Reach Stackers) & (Heavy Lift) Intermodalism Washington
Report Guest Editorial
Sales Offices:
Lee di Paci Publisher |
16302 Byrnwyck Lane Odessa, FL 33556-2807 Phone: (813) 920-4788 Fax: (813) 920-8268 e-mail: lee@wwship.com |
Bob DiPaci, Associate Publisher |
Piermont Ave.1H Nyack, NY 10960-4650 Phone: (845) 358-3813 Fax: (845) 358-3854 e-mail: bob@wwship.com |
Steve Rigo Account Director |
Phone: (352) 753-9224 Fax: (813) 920-8268 e-mail: srigo@wwship.com |
Contributing Writers:
Barbara Edwards | Editor |
Paul Scott Abbott | Caribbean/Latin America |
Rosemary Astley | Canada/Seaway/Lakes |
Tony Barone | Logistics |
Douglas Cheaney | Railroads/Trucking/Airlines |
Reid Goldsborough | Technology |
Tom Craig | Logistics |
Arnold Davis | Shipping Features |
Roberta Greening | Forwarders/NVOCC's |
David Letteney | Intermodalism |
Marty Pilsch | Port Equipment/Development |
Carlo Salzano | Washington Report/Features |
Serko & Simon LLP | U.S. Customs, World Trade |
Karen E. Thuermer | Banking/Insurance |
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November 24, 2009
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